Bighorn Sheep in Radium | BC

Hello friends,

Today’s post will be about the visitors we had nearby our campground when we visited Radium! We stayed at the Red Streak campground in Radium BC. This one was quite big with a good number of people camping there. It was about 95% campers though … so not actually camping! We were one of the two tent people there! They had good bathroom facilities and you got a good amount of firewood in each bundle.

While we were visiting Radium, we went to the hot springs every night we were there I believe. There usually is a trail (2.7km) that connects from the campground to the hot springs, but due to construction while we were there it was closed. To be honest though, I think we would have been too lazy to walk there and back anyways after hiking all day!

Lots of wildlife in this area too, which we thought was great! We saw deer in the forest by our camp and these bighorn sheep were on the hill up to the campground every time we drove by, except on our very last morning there! It wasn’t just a few of them either, there was probably around 12-20 at all times!





He was staring me down while I was trying to get pictures… I have decided I need a better zoom lens! My boyfriend was yelling at me to get back in the car!


These horns can weigh up to 30 pounds! Isn’ that crazy!

Little family in the woods.



Have you ever been to Radium? If so did you see these guys too?! They are pretty common there; we even saw them on the cliffs while we were sitting in the hot springs!

Until next time,


3 thoughts on “Bighorn Sheep in Radium | BC

  1. Haven’t been to Radium in years but I’m glad to see all the wildlife is still out n about in full effect 🙂 Quite a nice hot spring too if my memory serves me right. Thanks for the pics, brings back memories!

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