What makes a professional photographer?

Hello friends, Today I wanted to show you some of the photography work I have done over the last 6 months or so. However, I wanted to make it blog post worthy (very debatable hehe), so here I am asking "What makes a professional photographer?". Now you can take this very rhetorical or you can … Continue reading What makes a professional photographer?

In your 20’s and thriving?

So here I am, yet again, talking to a computer screen. I feel like this is how most of us communicate these days. And by all means, there is nothing wrong with communicating this way - it is what the world has become. Now bare with me here because this is just a word vomit … Continue reading In your 20’s and thriving?

April Recap 2020|Quarantine Edition

Well what can I say, April has not been a normal or trouble-free month. In a sense, I feel like mother nature has had it with us humans on Earth. Currently in a pandemic intertwined with global climate change that is taking a toll on multiple places around the world. Displacing people who are already … Continue reading April Recap 2020|Quarantine Edition

COVID-19|Working From Home

Hey all, I know in the recent days everyones lives have turned upside down. I am sure you have all heard of the coronavirus by now and have developed your own opinions on it. I am not writing to educate anyone on my thoughts, rather I am here to pass along some helpful tips in … Continue reading COVID-19|Working From Home

Exploring Haunted Houses at Saunders Farm!

Hello friends, Todays post will be about what I did this past weekend! It was full of fun Halloween festivities - the best kind of festivities at this time of year! Friday morning I bought tickets for my boyfriend and I to go to Saunders Farm the following night. He had gone there years ago … Continue reading Exploring Haunted Houses at Saunders Farm!

Picture of the Week #3

Hello friends, If you didn't know I had a facebook page where I share pictures and links to my blog anytime I a new post goes up! You can click the link to like and follow the page if you want! 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/phoenixraayphotography/  You can also follow this blog by going to the home page and … Continue reading Picture of the Week #3

The Importance of Bees

Hello friends, Todays post was inspired by pictures I took at the mer Bleue Bog (click here to see the post). This blog is a place where I mostly share pictures and stories to go along with it, but sometimes I have to throw a few thoughts and more educational posts out there. Bees are … Continue reading The Importance of Bees

Our First Fall Activity! | Apple Picking

Hello friends, Todays post will be about my boyfriend and I's first fall activity that he actually brought to my attention... I know eh, what boy brings up fall activities! In all fairness to him, it was a client at his work who told him about it so I won't go too hard on him! First … Continue reading Our First Fall Activity! | Apple Picking

Picture of the Week! #1

Hello friends, Today will be the first, of many, pictures of the week! It is a new idea I wanted to test out and see how it does. I will be posting a new picture every Friday in which I took the previous week. It will probably be my favourite picture from that week, or … Continue reading Picture of the Week! #1