5 Life Lessons You Need To Hear | 2021

I have been doing a lot of what some may call "soul searching" this past year. I do not know if that is the technical term for what I have been doing, but let's roll with it for this post. Soul searching definition: deep and anxious consideration of one's emotions and motives or of the … Continue reading 5 Life Lessons You Need To Hear | 2021

Why you should move across the country

Why hello friends, it has been a while. I have missed you and this little community of ours. I don't even know where to begin. August of 2020 I moved into my first home in Carleton Place Ontario, and here we are in June of 2021....out in British Columbia! Now this isn't just a visit. … Continue reading Why you should move across the country

a late welcome to 2021

Hey Friends! Do you remember me? I know its been a hot minute, but I am glad to say I am back in action and hopefully not going anywhere. I know my last post was about half a year ago and I have come to the conclusion that life isn't going back to normal anytime … Continue reading a late welcome to 2021

May 2020 Recap

Hello friends, Well May has been busier than the past few months that is for sure. Work has started to pick up back into full time again, which is a huge adjustment honestly after being part time/not working for the last two months. Though I am super happy to be back in the swing of … Continue reading May 2020 Recap

Missed Autumn

Hello friends, Welcome to 2020! I hope your year has started of fantastic! We (Nugget and myself) have been a bit slow rolling with the new year and the new starts and all, hence why this is my first post. This year I decided to not make any resolutions. I know, oh my what? No … Continue reading Missed Autumn

Oh hey there stranger

Well hello there stranger, its been a while. Do you guys even remember me? Remember who I am or my purpose being here? Well if you don't it is okay, because a lot has changed since I have posted last. I have been meaning to write this post for a while. I have no clue … Continue reading Oh hey there stranger

October Recap | 2018

Hello friends, Well, October felt like it came and left in a flash. I actually cannot believe we are already nearing the end of 2018. It feels like just yesterday I was posting my 2018 new years resolutions haha definitely wasn't yesterday! October was not nearly as exciting for me as September was. No big … Continue reading October Recap | 2018

Spooky Halloween Tag 2018

Hello friends, In the spirit of Halloween I thought I would do a Halloween Tag to let you in on a few of my spooky ideas and thoughts! Here it goes! 1. Favourite horror or Halloween-themed song? One eyed one horn flying purple people eater (click here to listen if you don't know it!) 2. … Continue reading Spooky Halloween Tag 2018

Exploring Haunted Houses at Saunders Farm!

Hello friends, Todays post will be about what I did this past weekend! It was full of fun Halloween festivities - the best kind of festivities at this time of year! Friday morning I bought tickets for my boyfriend and I to go to Saunders Farm the following night. He had gone there years ago … Continue reading Exploring Haunted Houses at Saunders Farm!