Missed Autumn

Hello friends, Welcome to 2020! I hope your year has started of fantastic! We (Nugget and myself) have been a bit slow rolling with the new year and the new starts and all, hence why this is my first post. This year I decided to not make any resolutions. I know, oh my what? No … Continue reading Missed Autumn

Exploring Haunted Houses at Saunders Farm!

Hello friends, Todays post will be about what I did this past weekend! It was full of fun Halloween festivities - the best kind of festivities at this time of year! Friday morning I bought tickets for my boyfriend and I to go to Saunders Farm the following night. He had gone there years ago … Continue reading Exploring Haunted Houses at Saunders Farm!

Autumn in Ottawa 2018

Hello friends, If you didn’t know I had a facebook page where I share pictures and links to my blog anytime I a new post goes up! You can click the link to like and follow the page if you want! ðŸ™‚ https://www.facebook.com/phoenixraayphotography/  You can also follow this blog by going to the home page and clicking … Continue reading Autumn in Ottawa 2018

Our First Fall Activity! | Apple Picking

Hello friends, Todays post will be about my boyfriend and I's first fall activity that he actually brought to my attention... I know eh, what boy brings up fall activities! In all fairness to him, it was a client at his work who told him about it so I won't go too hard on him! First … Continue reading Our First Fall Activity! | Apple Picking

Picture of the Week #2

Hello friends, If you didn't know I had a facebook page where I share pictures and links to my blog anytime I a new post goes up! You can click the link to like and follow the page if you want! 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/phoenixraayphotography/  You can also follow this blog by going to the home page and … Continue reading Picture of the Week #2

Strawberry Picking | Ottawa 2018

Hello friends, This past Saturday my boyfriend and I did one of the best things you can do in the summer, especially if you live in Ontario - pick fresh strawberries. Now I don't know how many of you have ever done this before, but it is fantastic. If you have never tried a fresh, … Continue reading Strawberry Picking | Ottawa 2018

Christmas Blessings | 2017

Hello friends, Todays post will be about all the many things I feel blessed for. Christmas is absolutely my favourite time of the year, even though it is snowy and cold outside! I got the post idea from Susie Lindau's Wild Ride, click here for her post! I thought to myself as I was reading … Continue reading Christmas Blessings | 2017

Bourgeau Lake/Harvey Pass | Banff, AB Canada Pt. 2

Hello friends, Todays post is a continuation of part one! If you haven't read it yet, click here! 🙂 So we are now done our beautiful lunch, which was fruit, muffins, and peanut butter & honey sandwiches (so good!), and we are starting up to Harvey Pass! At this point I was exhausted, but I … Continue reading Bourgeau Lake/Harvey Pass | Banff, AB Canada Pt. 2

Bourgeau Lake/Harvey Pass | Banff, AB Canada Pt. 1

Hello friends, Todays post will be about the Bourgeau Lake/Harvey Pass hike in Banff, Alberta Canada! We did this back in the summer when it was beautiful out with no snow! Although, right now in Calgary there is not any snow because we have had quite a few warm days. This makes me sad because … Continue reading Bourgeau Lake/Harvey Pass | Banff, AB Canada Pt. 1