5 Life Lessons You Need To Hear | 2021

I have been doing a lot of what some may call "soul searching" this past year. I do not know if that is the technical term for what I have been doing, but let's roll with it for this post. Soul searching definition: deep and anxious consideration of one's emotions and motives or of the … Continue reading 5 Life Lessons You Need To Hear | 2021

Life on Vancouver Island | Pt. 1

Hello friends, we meet again. I missed posting last week because I was exploring Golden, Emerald Lake, Lake Louise and Kelowna in BC. I haven't gotten the chance yet, but I am extremely excited to go through all those photos and share them with you. The topic of todays post is how life is going … Continue reading Life on Vancouver Island | Pt. 1

Why you should move across the country

Why hello friends, it has been a while. I have missed you and this little community of ours. I don't even know where to begin. August of 2020 I moved into my first home in Carleton Place Ontario, and here we are in June of 2021....out in British Columbia! Now this isn't just a visit. … Continue reading Why you should move across the country

a late welcome to 2021

Hey Friends! Do you remember me? I know its been a hot minute, but I am glad to say I am back in action and hopefully not going anywhere. I know my last post was about half a year ago and I have come to the conclusion that life isn't going back to normal anytime … Continue reading a late welcome to 2021

Little Miss Nugget Turns 1

Happy 1st Birthday Nugget! On the car ride home! Today is Little Miss Nugget's first birthday! Oh my goodness where has the time gone. It feels like I just got her but at the same time like I have had her forever. It is so difficult to imagine my life without my furball-sidekick right there … Continue reading Little Miss Nugget Turns 1

In your 20’s and thriving?

So here I am, yet again, talking to a computer screen. I feel like this is how most of us communicate these days. And by all means, there is nothing wrong with communicating this way - it is what the world has become. Now bare with me here because this is just a word vomit … Continue reading In your 20’s and thriving?

Goodbye Winter

Well I hope that this is it. I hope we don't see more snow until Christmas time, but I live in Canada so you never know when the next white stuff will fall from the sky. Honestly though, I enjoy living in a place where I get to experience all of the seasons instead of … Continue reading Goodbye Winter

April Recap 2020|Quarantine Edition

Well what can I say, April has not been a normal or trouble-free month. In a sense, I feel like mother nature has had it with us humans on Earth. Currently in a pandemic intertwined with global climate change that is taking a toll on multiple places around the world. Displacing people who are already … Continue reading April Recap 2020|Quarantine Edition

Frozen Pup Paws

Hello friends, Todays post is brought to you by little miss Nugget. We had a snowy Monday last week and went on quite the adventure. She loved every second of it and in return got some snowy paws! The snow sticks to her fur in clumps, however her pads were snow free and sweaty on … Continue reading Frozen Pup Paws