Life on Vancouver Island | Pt. 1

Hello friends, we meet again. I missed posting last week because I was exploring Golden, Emerald Lake, Lake Louise and Kelowna in BC. I haven't gotten the chance yet, but I am extremely excited to go through all those photos and share them with you. The topic of todays post is how life is going … Continue reading Life on Vancouver Island | Pt. 1


Hello Friends, I know all of you aren't Canadian, but this past weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving. This day is a time to share with your friends and family and remember how grateful you are for everything you have in life. Even if you don't have much. This year I am thankful for: my family & … Continue reading Thankful

Peaceful Mornings in Small Towns

Hello friends, Have you ever just woke up one morning and gone for a little wander? I have and that is what this post will be about today. At the end of August I was visiting my grandparents, parents, etc. at camp. Now I call it camp, but I know most people refer to these … Continue reading Peaceful Mornings in Small Towns

Maverick’s Donut Company Review

Hello friends, Todays post will be a food review - woo! Who doesn't like hearing about good food possibly near you! This past Saturday for our treat meal we (myself and the boy) decided to get some donuts. We like to treat ourselves once a week if we are feeling it because throughout the week … Continue reading Maverick’s Donut Company Review

Mer Bleue Bog Boardwalk | Ottawa, ON

Hello friends, Todays post will be about my time exploring the Mer Bleue Bog Boardwalk in Ottawa, Ontario! The Mer Bleue Bog is one of the largest bogs in southern Ontario. This type of landscape is more commonly found in the Arctic than in the Ottawa Valley, but we will take it! It is absolutely … Continue reading Mer Bleue Bog Boardwalk | Ottawa, ON

Taking the Tube | London 2018

Hello friends, Before I start this story I would just like to say that all the photos used were taken in poor lighting and off my outdated iphone so disregard the quality - I needed some pictures to go along with my story however the tube is so busy and fast paced therefore I did … Continue reading Taking the Tube | London 2018

Buckingham Palace | London 2018

Hello friends, Todays post is going to be about my experience seeing Buckingham Palace in a torrential downpour! Not the best way to see it, but it was our only option! We took the tube to get here which was an experience in itself so I will have a separate blog post on that! To … Continue reading Buckingham Palace | London 2018

Burger Theory Review | Bristol, UK

Hello friends, Todays post is going to be a food review from my time spent in the United Kingdom! I have only done a few of these on my blog, but I should really start doing more because I love trying out new restaurants. People just give me weird looks when I take pictures! Anyways, … Continue reading Burger Theory Review | Bristol, UK

Canadians in the UK | 2018

Hello friends, We made it. My parents and I got to the United Kingdom from the far away land where maple syrup grows. We took a taxi from the Heathrow Airport in London, to a small airbnb - more on the outskirts of London. I must say, it was very much what I expected London … Continue reading Canadians in the UK | 2018